Monday, December 3, 2018

First week of December

August 2015

1. Read the directions and clarify what they are asking you to do
2. Carefully read the passage
3. Identify a central idea
4. Identify one literary/ rhetorical element that helped you understand that central idea
5. Locate at least two examples from the text of where #4 helped you understand #3

6. Discuss the State rubric
7. Read and discuss the State exemplars-- what are the clear differences between the 4 and the 3?

8. Review the passage and rubric again
9. Read and assess the PRACTICE PAPERS-- what scores would you give them?

10.  Time to take one yourself...

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FUNCTION of common literary terms for the Part 3

QUIZLET of terms Function of Setting The function of setting in a fictional, poetic, and  prose  work is of great importance. It has...